Parking areas in our community are for VISITORS ONLY. Residents may utilize the four parking spots available in their garage and driveway and should not be using visitor parking areas for their personal vehicle(s) at any time.
Parking permits are required for guests to park overnight in visitor parking between 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM. To request a visitor parking permit, please complete the following form. The form will be emailed to all of the board members and one of us will contact you to confirm that your request has been processed and the vehicle information has been shared with UPE, the towing company contracted to enforce city and HOA parking regulations. If you have NOT been contacted by a board member, your request has not yet been received/processed and you will need to make alternate parking arrangements with your visitor(s). Failure to do so may result in your vehicle being booted and/or towed.
Please anticipate your need for a parking permit. As volunteers, the board does not check our emails all hours of the day and night so if you submit a request after 6:00 PM, it is unlikely that it will be processed until the following morning and you will need to make alternate parking arrangements with your visitor(s).
THE BOARD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FEES INCURRED as a result of guests parking in visitor parking without confirmation from a board member that your request has been received and submitted to the towing company.